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Energetic and Individual services to fit your needs

These services can be done online or in person in Long Beach. Although house calls are available with an additional fee.


Please note their is an additional mileage fee applied for in home support outside of a 15 mile radius of 90706.


Advice from Tia $45 an hour

A chance to check in and discuss any specific subject that you think I can support you with. Can include but not limited to, personal health, midwifery school, parenting, baby wearing etc.

Via Zoom

Please note this is not pregnancy/ postpartum advice. Please see Birth/ Postpartum advice for that under Birth/postpartum 


Energy Attunement $75 for 1 hr virtual or in person

Hands on healing to help direct energy that might be blocked or stagnant within your energetic and physical body, with the intention to restore equilibrium (balance). Using Mexican traditional understandings of puertas (doors) and Usui Reiki Rhyoho teachings.

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